Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The Subject of Special Olympics through a Critical Lens: An Interview with Drs. Giese & Buchner

 Listen in on our international guest speakers Dr. Martin Giese (@MartinGiese5) and Dr. Tobias Buchner (@TobiasBuchner) as they discuss topics within their research article, “The Subject of Special Olympics - Interrogating the Inclusive Potentials of a Sport Movement from an Ableism - Critical Perspective.” Martin Giese is a professor for sport science and sport pedagogy at the Heidelberg University of Education in Germany. He has over 10 years experience with teaching throughout different schools and 6 years with teaching visually impaired students. Tobias Buchner is the head of department of inclusive education at the University of Education Upper Austria, as well as vice chair of the monitoring body of the UN-CRPD. He has experience as a professor for inclusive education and as a soccer coach for students with intellectual disabilities. Within this podcast we discuss how Special Olympics discusses inclusion in their programming, the concepts of ableism and inclusion, and how Special Olympics may be inadveternently perpetuating some ableism concepts through their programming.  

Please see the links below for related open-access research from the authors of the discussed article:

Buchner, T. & Köpfer, A. (2022). Mapping the field. Spatial relations in research on inclusion and exclusion in education. In International Journal of Inclusive Education.


Buchner, T.  et al. (2021). Same Progress for All? Inclusive Education, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities and Students With Intellectual Disability in European Countries. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 18(1), 7-22


Buchner, T. & Thompson, S.A. (2021): From Plot Twists, Progress, and the Persistence of Segregated Education: The Continuing Struggle for Inclusive Education in Relation to Students With Intellectual Disabilities. In: Journal of  Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 18(1), 4-6


Buchner, T. & Proyer, M.D. (2020): From special to inclusive education policies in Austria – Developments and implications for schools and teacher education. In: European Journal of Teacher education 43:1, 83-94.