The podcast will be broken up into 3 separate episodes which each focus on a portion of assessment. This podcast focuses on why we need to assess in APE, what areas we need to assess, and the question of eligibility to receive APE.
In addition, to hosting the panel on assessment at the National APE conference, I was able to do a presentation on how and why to create a podcast. Please Click Here to get the PowerPoint which was presented at the conference on how and why to create your very own podcast.
Additional Resources on Assessment:
Texas's state APE manual gives guidelines on how to properly assess and service students with disabilities in a PE setting. Click Here to get a copy today of TAHPERD: Adapted physical education manual of best practices: Administrative guidelines and policies. (2nd ed.) from the authors Silliman-French, L. & Buswell, D. (2008).
The California Department of Education 2012 APE Guidelines are another excellent source of information on how to properly assess students and it also answers a lot of other questions related to APE, placement and service delivery. Click Here for the guidelines.