Matthew is a 2011 graduate of New York State College at Brockport where he was awarded the APAC’s (Adapted Physical Activity Council) National Most Outstanding Undergraduate of the Year. Matthew has worked as a specialist for various sport and fitness programs for children who are blind or visually impaired throughout the country including Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland and Alaska and one is Moscow Russia. He is also a board member for his local AER (Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired) DC/MD Chapter and is one of the co-founders of a division on “Physical Activity and Recreation” within the international organization. Matthew presented at various state and international AER conferences on sport opportunities and modifications for children with visual impairments. Matthew was the POSB (Principals of Schools for the Blind) 2015 Outstanding Teacher of Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired.
Let me know any thoughts you have about upcoming podcast topics or if there is an event/product that you would like to be mentioned in the podcast!
Until next time!!
Scott McNamara, APE Man!