Hello What's New in APE Podcast listeners. For this episode, we were able to recover a "lost episode" of the NCPEID collaborative from this Spring featuring guest speakers Dr. Justin Haeglele and Dr. Joonkoo Yun where they discuss why to get your PhD in APE and how to identify the PhD for you. Dr. Haegele (@Justin_Haegele) is an associate professor at Old Dominion University and a frequent guest on this podcast. Dr. Yun is a full professor and chair of the Kinesiology Department at East Carolina University. Both are accomplished researchers, as well as they have OSEP grant (Office of Special Education Programs) funding for PhDs. This training will occur through coursework, practicum, a consortium-wide enrichment program, community based service-learning programs, and research engagement. Click here to find out more about some of these funding opportunities.
NCPEID is the National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities. They play a major role in shaping the direction of adapted physical education and adapted physical activity, as well building and promoting APE & APA programs and services.